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Angel Roll-Ups
Everything you need to know about the Angel Roll-Up and its processes.
17 articles
How does the Angel Roll-Up product work?
What is a trust?
What is the timeline?
Can my angels be foreign?
Does bunch match founders with angels?
If I want to exit the trust, do I have to get permission from the rest of the pool?
If an angel wants to exit, do they have to get permission from the rest of the pool?
How many angels can I roll up?
Does being 'rolled up' affect my shareholder rights?
What does being 'rolled up' mean?
Is there a cost for me to be 'rolled up'?
Does the pooling have to get notarized?
What are the notary requirements for angels?
What documents do my angels have to sign?
What do I have to do if I need to get my document apostilled?