About Syndicates

What is the role of the Lead Investor?
Edited 4 months ago
Lead investors usually establish and maintain relationships with investment targets. They create the deal via the platform and have the ability to sha...
Apart from setting up the vehicle and providing tax support, are there any other services that bunch provides?
Edited 4 months ago
bunch provides end-to-end services related to investment, including setting up the legal entity for the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) and its bank acc...
Can the SPVs be structured in such a way that only the co-investors bear the bunch fees? Or is it always proportional?
Edited 4 months ago
All investors of the SPV should bear the bunch fee proportionally, as they are equal shareholders according to the signed Partnership Agreement.
What is the timeline to set up a SPV on bunch?
Edited 4 months ago
The standard timeline is 2 weeks to allow enough time for the creation of the entity including all necessary requirements (e.g. legal documents prepar...
How many investors can participate in a club deal?
Edited 4 months ago
For unregulated vehicles: 20 investors. For regulated vehicles: 149 investors.
Can an individual co-investor sell its shares in the SPV?
Edited 4 months ago
If a single co-investor wishes to sell its entire interest in the SPV, it must first offer its interest to the other co-investors. If the co-investors...
Can my co-investors be foreign?
Edited 4 months ago
In short, yes, with bunch, you can easily onboard co-investors worldwide. However, there may be limitations depending on the entity type you intend to...
Can I leave the partnership at anytime?
Edited 4 months ago
You must receive permission from the other partners within the partnership in order to leave.
What documents do my (co-)investors have to sign?
Edited 4 months ago
Unregulated Vehicles: In Club Deals, Investors will need to sign the Partnership Agreement and the Power of Attorney to add their ownership to the co...
If the SPV exits before the 3 years of bunch fee called up front, does the SPV get refunded for the years not used?
Edited 4 months ago
German SPVs are obligated to pay the full yearly fee during the year of incorporation and divestment. Any remaining funds in the SPV's bank account be...
What costs are there for the co-investors?
Edited 4 months ago
For the set-up and ongoing management of the SPV, bunch charges the SPV a yearly software fee. The bunch fee includes costs for access to the bunch pl...
What is the Club Deal process for co-investors?
Edited 4 months ago
Throughout the Club Deal process, there are multiple steps a co-investor will go through to facilitate their investment. Among others, they include si...