About Angel Roll-Ups
Does bunch match founders with angels?
Currently, bunch does not match founders with angels. Instead, founders must bring their angels to the bunch platform to be rolled up.
What is the timeline?
As soon as you decide to use bunch to power your round and pool your angels, we will immediately begin the process. Typically, the process takes about...
How does the Angel Roll-Up product work?
Your business angels are consolidated into a single trust entity and listed as a single line item on your cap table. This trust acts only as the inv...
Can my angels be foreign?
Yes, with bunch, you can onboard angels worldwide as long as they meet our professionalism requirements and fulfill our KYC and AML requirements, as o...
What is a trust?
A trust ( Treuhand ) holds assets on behalf of another party ( treuhänderisch ). For a more thorough explanation of trusts in general, please see her...
If I want to exit the trust, do I have to get permission from the rest of the pool?
No, you do not. You may exit the trust individually and become a direct shareholder of the company by terminating the individual trust relationship wi...
If an angel wants to exit, do they have to get permission from the rest of the pool?
Angels have the option to unilaterally terminate the trust for their own shares, but this is subject to a notice period as stated in the Trust Agreeme...